What to Do If You Forgot to Add Hashtags on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Threads

Forgetting to add hashtags to your posts on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Threads can feel like a missed opportunity. Hashtags are essential for increasing the visibility of your content, making sure it reaches the right audience. If you’ve ever hit “post” only to realize you forgot those crucial hashtags, don’t panic—there are ways to fix the situation, and some tools can help you avoid this problem in the future. Let’s dive into what you can do when you forget to add hashtags and how to prevent it from happening again.

Why Hashtags Matter on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Threads

Hashtags aren’t just decorative; they serve a critical function in social media strategy. They help categorize your posts, making them discoverable by users interested in specific topics. On platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Threads, hashtags can significantly increase the reach and engagement of your posts by connecting them with larger conversations.

For businesses and personal brands, the right hashtags can drive more traffic, generate leads, and build a community around your content. Without them, your posts might not reach their full potential, and all that effort could go unnoticed.

How to Recover When You Forget Hashtags

Twitter: Reposting is Key

Unfortunately, Twitter doesn’t allow you to edit tweets. If you realize you forgot to add hashtags, your best option is to delete the tweet and repost it with the correct hashtags.

Before you do that, take note of any engagement your original tweet received, such as likes or retweets. You can screenshot these as a reference and, if possible, engage those users again after reposting. Sure, it’s a bit of extra work, but it’s worth it to ensure your tweet reaches its intended audience.

LinkedIn: Editing is Your Friend

LinkedIn is a bit more forgiving than Twitter when it comes to forgotten hashtags. You can edit your posts after publishing them, so if you notice you’ve missed out on adding hashtags, just go back and add them.

How to Edit a LinkedIn Post:

  1. Go to your post.
  2. Click the three dots in the top right corner.
  3. Select “Edit post.”
  4. Add your hashtags and save your changes.

Easy, right? Editing on LinkedIn ensures your content remains relevant and discoverable without having to sacrifice any existing engagement.

Threads: Workaround by Reposting

Threads, like Twitter, does not allow post-editing. If you forgot to include hashtags in a Thread, you’ll need to repost with the correct hashtags. The same advice applies here as with Twitter: take note of any engagement before deleting and reposting your content. While this might feel like a hassle, it’s the only way to ensure your Thread benefits from the visibility hashtags offer.

Hashtags boosting visibility

Hashtags are one of the most effective ways to increase the visibility of your posts.

Using addhashtags to Prevent Future Mishaps

If you find yourself frequently forgetting to add hashtags, it might be time to consider using a tool like addhashtags. This browser extension is designed to automatically insert pre-set hashtags into your posts on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Threads. Here’s how it can help:

Automatic Insertion

addhashtags takes the guesswork out of the equation by automatically adding the hashtags you’ve pre-set into your posts. This ensures you never miss a hashtag, even if you’re in a rush or simply forgetful.

Customizable Hashtags

You can tailor the hashtags to fit your specific needs. Whether you’re focused on industry-specific tags or popular trends, you have full control over which hashtags get inserted.

Simple Toggle Control

The interface is user-friendly with a straightforward toggle switch, allowing you to control whether hashtags should be inserted automatically. If you’re posting something that doesn’t require hashtags, just toggle the feature off.

One-Time Payment

For just $10, you can integrate addhashtags into your workflow, saving you from future hashtag headaches. Considering how much time and potential reach you could lose from forgetting hashtags, this small investment is worth it.

Hashtags categorize content

Hashtags can be used to categorize content and make it discoverable by a broader audience.

Tips to Avoid Forgetting Hashtags in the Future

While tools like addhashtags can be a lifesaver, there are also some habits you can adopt to make sure you never forget hashtags again.

1. Draft Your Posts in Advance

Take a few minutes to draft your posts in a note-taking app or a social media management tool. This gives you time to consider which hashtags to use, rather than scrambling at the last minute.

2. Keep a Running List of Hashtags

Maintain a list of commonly used hashtags that are relevant to your content. This makes it easy to copy and paste them into your posts, reducing the chances of forgetting.

3. Double-Check Before Posting

Get into the habit of double-checking your post for hashtags before hitting the “post” button. It’s a simple step that can save you from future frustration.

4. Stay Updated on Hashtag Trends

Hashtag trends can change quickly, so staying informed about what’s popular in your industry is key. Use trending hashtags to keep your posts relevant and discoverable.


Forgetting to add hashtags on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Threads isn’t the end of the world, but it’s something you’ll want to fix quickly. Whether you choose to edit your post, repost with the correct hashtags, or use a tool like addhashtags, there are plenty of ways to recover from this common mistake.

By adopting some simple strategies and leveraging the right tools, you can ensure your posts always reach the audience they deserve. So next time you’re crafting that perfect tweet, LinkedIn update, or Thread, remember the hashtags—and if you don’t, you now know exactly what to do.